Publication: Wall Street Journal
Author: Sheila Bair
4/01/2013 —The recent Senate report on the J.P. Morgan Chase “London Whale” trading debacle revealed emails, telephone conversations and other evidence of how Chase managers manipulated their internal risk models to boost the bank’s regulatory capital ratios. Risk models are common and certainly not illegal. Nevertheless, their use in bolstering a bank’s capital ratios can give the public a false sense of security about the stability of the nation’s largest financial institutions.
Capital ratios (also called capital adequacy ratios) reflect the percentage of a bank’s assets that are funded with equity and are a key barometer of the institution’s financial strength—they measure the bank’s ability to absorb losses and still remain solvent. This should be a simple measure, but it isn’t. That’s because regulators allow banks to use a process called “risk weighting,” which allows them to raise their capital ratios by characterizing the assets they hold as “low risk.”
Read the full editorial, Regulators Let Big Banks Look Safer Than They Are, on the Wall Street Journal website.