CFA Institute Systemic Risk Council Publishes Fall 2024 Newsletter
WASHINGTON, D.C. – December 11, 2024
The CFA Institute Systemic Risk Council has released its Fall 2024 Newsletter.
Each quarter, we will recap the activities of the CFA Institute Systemic Risk Council (SRC or the Council) and highlight the key systemic debates and challenges affecting global markets and regulators. Areas of focus this quarter include reforms in money market funds, crypto regulation, the rapidly-evolving role of AI in financial markets, the designation of nonbank financial institutions as systemically important financial institutions, and the systemic implications of credit risk transfer transactions. We also recognize Simon Johnson, Co-Chair of the SRC, in being awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences (together with his colleagues) for their work on how institutions are formed and affect prosperity.
For further information, contact Kurt Schacht at Kurt.Schacht@cfainstitute.org.
About CFA Institute Systemic Risk Council CFA Institute Systemic Risk Council (Council) is a private sector, non-partisan body of former government officials and financial and legal experts committed to addressing regulatory and structural issues relating to global systemic risk, with a particular focus on the United States and Europe. It has been formed to provide a strong, independent voice for reforms that are necessary to protect the public from financial instability. The goal is to help ensure a financial system in which we can all have confidence. CFA Institute Systemic Risk Council was formed by CFA Institute and The Pew Charitable Trusts in June 2012 to monitor and encourage regulatory reform of U.S. capital markets focused on systemic risk. CFA Institute became the sole supporting organization in August 2015. The statements, documents and recommendations of the Council does not necessarily represent the views of the supporting organization. |