Jean‐Claude Trichet is the chairperson of the Board of Directors of Bruegel, Honorary chairman of the Group of Thirty (Washington), European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission and member of the Board of Directors of AIRBUS Group. He is a member of the “Institut de France” (Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques).
Jean-Claude Trichet was President of the European Central Bank, the European Systemic Risk Board and the “Global economy meeting” of Central Bank Governors in Basel until the end of 2011. Previously, he was in charge of the French Treasury for six years and was Governor of the Banque de France for ten years. Earlier in his career, he held positions within the French civil service, including in the Inspectorate Generale des Finances, the Treasury department and as an advisor to the President of France for microeconomics, energy, industry and research (1978-81). Mr. Trichet graduated from the École des Mines de Nancy, the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris and the University of Paris in Economics. He is a Doctor Honoris Causa of several universities and an alumnus of the École Nationale d’Administration.